Grant recipients

Each year your donations fund our grant program, assisting local community organisations with funding and support in the areas of homelessness assistance, food security and to create more equitable employment opportunities for all.

You can read about the recipients of these recent grants below.

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Hand-heart-iconAnnual Grant round

Here are the grants issued by Give Where You Live in 2024.

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Light-bulb-iconPitch Up Grants

Pitch Up is an annual live crowdfunding event brought to you by the Give Where You Live Foundation. Based on the model...

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House-purple-outlineSurvive & Thrive Grants

Grants awarded  through the Give Where You Live Foundation’s Survive and Thrive grant area seek to provide support those across our community...

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Education-green-outlineEducation & Employment Grants

 The Education & Employment Grants seek to create increased learning opportunities, increased attainment of education, increased access to and readiness for quality...

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