How you can help

Want to help your community?

There are so many ways to get involved with the Foundation.

Whether you’re a local business wanting to give back, a one-off donor wanting to know your donation will make a difference now, someone wanting to learn more about the issues (and solutions!) in your community or someone who wants to make a big impact, there’s a simple way for you to make a big impact in your community.

Community grant review panellistCommunity Grant Review Panellist

Are you looking for a way to give back to the community you live in? For close to 70 years the Give...

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Corporate givingCorporate Giving

Is your organisation looking for ways to give back to your community? Maybe looking for a way to engage and retain staff?...

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Cheques made out to ‘Give Where You Live’ can be mailed to PO Box 351, Geelong, Victoria, 3220 Or direct deposit your...

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Fundraise-event-iconFundraise for the Foundation

Do you like hosting events? What about inspiring your community? Maybe you represent a sports team, school or social group looking to...

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Leave a BequestLeave a Bequest

Want to making a lasting mark on your community? The thoughtful act of leaving a bequest can ensure that future generations grow,...

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Loaned Executive ProgramLoaned Executive Program

A critical part of the Foundation’s Workplace Giving Program, the Loaned Executive program sees organisations from across the region ‘loan’ their employees...

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Regular givingRegular Giving

Are you able to make a monthly contribution to your community? Not only does your monthly contribution go towards helping your community...

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Sponsor-event-iconSponsor an Event

Looking for a memorable way to get your brand out there? And support your community at the same time? We offer a...

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Support An AppealSupport an Appeal

These are certain times throughout the year where we ask our community for a little bit of extra support. Supporting these appeals...

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Are you looking for a way to donate your time to your community? Volunteering is not only a way to give back...

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Workplace GivingWorkplace Giving

Workplace Giving is an easy way to make regular tax deductible donations to the Give Where You Live Foundation through payroll. Workplace...

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