
The Foundation believes that the current systems in our community do not serve everyone. To create change within our community we need to work differently to bring about greater fairness and equity. So while our social and economic systems need to change, we recognise that we, as a Foundation also need to change.

In-line with the Give Where You Live Foundation’s 2030 Strategy, the Foundation has been diversifying our social change efforts, with traditional grant making now one of a range of ways we are working to create a fairer community.

In 2024, the Foundation’s  priority areas for grant funding are:

  • Food security: Ensure all people at all times have access to sufficient and healthy food
  • Homelessness: Ensure that when homelessness occurs, it is rare, brief and non-recurring
  • Inclusive employment: Ensure that everyone who wants work has the opportunity and support to work;
    With a focus on skill development, training and readiness for employment; and access and support to sustain employment
  • Inclusive economic development: Ensure locally led, inclusive and regenerative economic development.
Kitchen Serving Food In Homeless Shelter
Piggy-bank-bandaid-iconAnnual Grants Program

The Foundation’s 2024 Annual Grant Round focused on two of our key priority areas. Food security: The long-term outcome we seek through our...

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Emergency-grant-iconPartnership Impact Fund

In undertaking these partnerships, the Give Where You Live Foundation seeks to take a different approach to our grant making, and also...

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