Thanks to your donations, young people in the Surf Coast Shire and Colac Otway Shire are learning about the complex issue of food security and how local producers take part in supplying food while also strengthening their involvement with community.
A $30,000 grant from the Give Where You Live Foundation assists ‘The College of Food’ Program – a collaboration between Birregurra Community Health, Deans Marsh Community Cottage and Forrest Neighbourhood House – where students in upper primary school explored a big question… where is my food coming from?
Activities included a visit to The Farmer’s Place in Freshwater Creek where students learned about food miles and current globalised food practices by discovering how far the ingredients for a typical pizza have travelled, where a visit to Lidgerwood Seeds, taught students the different types of wheat and included a demonstration of their flour mill.
‘The College of Food’ also explored some of the social aspects of food security from a global perspective where issues of poverty, inequity, and what it means to live in a food insecure place (Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan) were covered. Exploring the distribution of food to the world’s population, the students also participated in a Global Food Banquet which involved an afternoon tea.
Learn more about the ‘The College of Food’ here.