“Every time I left with the message, ‘You are not alone’”
Hope Bereavement supports bereaved families in our community in the acute grief of the early aftermath of an infant or young child’s death.
A $20,000 grant from the Give Where You Live Foundation has allowed Hope Bereavement to work with families through ongoing bereavement support groups, grief counselling and strategies for dealing with grief, through to providing information to help families and service providers while providing trust and a sense of safety for families to heal.
Here is Lindsey’s story:
‘It’s been three years since my daughter was stillborn. I’m happy and I am bereft. Both feelings live in my heart. I still miss her. My love for her hasn’t died, only her body did. People say, “You are so brave for sharing your story.” Brave for what? Brave for going on living. Brave for getting up to face each new but dark day without her. Brave for missing her. I guess I can understand why others would see us as brave for those acts of living after loss, but brave for grieving openly?’ Lindsey.
Sharing with a counsellor and a support group has helped Sam find some comfort:
‘I feel, like a lot of people probably do, that we are changed forever when we lose a child. And I did. I am so eternally grateful or Hope Bereavement and the Empty Arms support group. Thank you, to my counsellor Tracey. You have changed my life in the most positive and beautiful ways. It was with Tracey and the support group where I was reminded of the pure resilience of the human spirit. Every time I left with the message, “You are not alone.’ Sam.