As we acknowledge the ‘International Day for the elimination of violence against women’ and the ‘16 days of activism’ until 10 December (International Human Rights Day) it’s time to acknowledge the violence against women and children in our community and together, say NO!
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2005) claims that 1 in 3 women will experience physical violence in her lifetime. The United Nations has declared:
- Violence against women is a violation of human rights.
- Violence is a consequence of discrimination and the prevailing inequality between men and women.
- Violence against women and girls is not inevitable; prevention is possible and essential.
Family and domestic violence is prevalent in horrifying numbers across our region. It’s important that we acknowledge that there isn’t a ‘type’ of man who ‘controls’ his family with controlling behaviours or violence. Family and domestic violence is not just physical violence, it also includes controlling behaviours such as financial control, isolation and intimidation. Contrary to many beliefs; violence against women and children does not occur in ‘certain’ families or neighbourhoods, it is not dictated by socio-economic status. It isn’t women’s fault for choosing the ‘wrong’ man, nor is it acceptable in any culture or religion.
Its time as a community we join together and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We say NO to all violence against our women and children. We believe no one has the right to control another with their behaviours and / or violence. Such behaviours are not acceptable in any family, violence within families is not a private matter and there is never an excuse.
We take a stand against perpetrators and their behaviour – it is never justified and it’s not acceptable. We stand with all women and children who have experienced or are at risk of violence, we stand with them in courage to say no to violence, to say no to their perpetrators.
If you or anyone you know require support for Family or Domestic Violence please contact:
- Minerva Community Services | |5224 2903
- Barwon Centre Against Sexual Assault | | 5222 4318
- Bethany Community Services | | 5278 8122.
- In the case of an emergency always call the police on 000