Children growing up in the 3214 postcode begin school at a disadvantage. About a third of children start school developmentally vulnerable. This is devastating because once children fall behind in their learning, they are likely to remain behind.
Through your donations, Bluebird Foundation are tackling this issue through their program ‘Dabble ‘n’ Dance’. A $30,000 grant from the Give Where You Live Foundation allows Bluebird Foundation to work with parent and child groups in Corio and Norlane.
“Molly and I have learned so much from ‘Dabble ‘n’ Dance’ over the last three years. She loves singing and dancing with the group and tries all the art activities. Her confidence has grown enormously and I put that down to ‘Dabble ‘n’ Dance’. She is definitely ready to start kinder next year!” says one parent.
At ‘Dabble ‘n’ Dance’, specialist early childhood music and art teachers provide a program that not only helps the children develop school readiness skills, but also gives their parents knowledge, ideas and repertoire to take into their daily home lives. Parents are a child’s earliest and most important teacher and can be the key to ensuring a rich learning environment that prepares children for a lifetime of learning.
“I’ve also learned a lot too. I try to read up about positive parenting and how I can help my kids have the best start in life but it is so much better to see it in action. I get lots of ideas of simple activities to do at home and it has helped me use more helpful words with my kids. Like instead of saying ‘good girl’ I can say ‘wow – look at those circles you drew!’
Bluebird Foundation is a community arts organisation creating and delivering quality arts programs that make a difference. They recognise the power of the arts to effect cultural change within communities resulting in improved social, emotional and health outcomes.