Garden of Hope

Give Where You Live granted Diversitat $34,000 in the 2013 Annual Grant round to fit out the ‘Women’s Shed’ and upgrade the community garden at The Hub in the northern suburbs.

Diversitat has described The Hub as a ‘buzz’ the past two weekends with over 20 members from garden community getting together for a working bee which included constructing new garden beds in the extended food garden area, weeding, mulching, digging and preparing for the winter planting.

These two days allowed Diversitat to complete 25 new garden beds to help meet the demand of newly arrived CALD clients who value being able to grow some of their own produce and be part of a vibrant garden community.

The groups are made up of both women and men from Karen, Karenni, Congo, Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka and Sudan and together they practice their English, build friendships, stay healthy and active, whilst learning new skills including understanding the local seasonal produce. This project provides a dynamic and positive environment and continues to build a great sense of community.